Hillary Alberta Sherer, PhD is working to humanize infertility with one woman, one couple, and one story at a time by empowering those struggling with infertility with knowledge, hope, and connection.


I am a biotechnology researcher with expert knowledge in the policy and ethical conversations around infertility. Utilizing over 12 years of clinical science research experience, I am an activist for more robust, transparent and accessible research on infertility and infertility technologies that enable women to make informed and autonomous decisions about their health and well-being.

My Background


B.S., Biology


M.S., Public Policy

2010 - 2012


PhD, Biotechnology Policy and Ethics

2012 – 2016

Humanize Infertility, Creator and Founder



In order to fully support those struggling with infertility and in order to make fundamental changes in policies, regulations and standard practices that not only provide but protect women, we have to truly see and hear these women who bravely fight for hope and desire.


Humanize Infertility aims to share the brave and strong stories behind the battle with infertility…

  • The emotional struggles

  • The physical pain

  • The financial burden

We see you. We hear you. We uplift you.



Empower women struggling with infertility by providing knowledge, hope and connection.